Friday, November 9, 2007

Latest Update on Marley's Prognosis

Here is the latest:

Marley got another bloodwork last Wednesday to see if there's any significant change in her liver. The vet said the bloodwork shows that her liver is improving however the results are still not normal and her values are still high so it is recommended that Marley continues her medications and bland diet. Other than the medications, she will be given milk thistle vitamin to help her liver. Marley will be monitored every 2-3 weeks with new bloodwork before any decision for biospy is made.
Click to enlarge me
My T-Giving Sweater with scarf and boots to stay warm

As posted about Marley a few days ago, ER has been trying to find out what contributed to her liver not functioning properly as it shows she has infectious liver. Ultrasound for obstruction and shunt have been ruled out. I was just informed that leptospira titers are not consistent with active infection, however, a convalescent titer is recommended in 2 weeks as sometimes acute titers are not high. Because ultrasound is not 100%, ER said liver biospy through surgery is needed to really know what is causing Marley's liver disease.

October 31st, on her 4th birthday, they did bloodwork again. Marley's fasting ammonia was normal and is likely responding to the antibiotic and lactulose therapy. The bilirubin is improved slightly from 8.4 to 6.2. The liver enzymes are not significantly changed. Marley'll need another bloodwork in 5 days for a follow up. Now, she is on medications therapy and she is still not out of the wood, unfortunately. Keep praying and thank you all for your kind words and support here and via email. To remind us of what kind of dog, Marley, is, go to: What a Great Deaf Dog I Am.

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For those who don't want to have anything to do with computers...

Write a check to: Raychelle Harris with Katherine/Marley in memo line. Mailing address: 1101 W. Virginia Ave. Apt. 204 Washington DC 20002

OR give cash to Raychelle in person if you are in DC metro area. Contact her at:

Please make sure you include your contact information because after receiving the money, I will e-mail Katherine and you and list the amount so you both know the transaction was successful and all parties knows where your money went!

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